Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Well, would you look at that!

I'm in the middle of my 6th Xeloda cycle now and yesterday I got the results for the tumor markers from my latest oncology appointment.  Take a look:

See that steep downward drop at the end?  Pretty, right?  That's the additional 40% dive they took from 127 to 76 over the past month on Xeloda--very good news!

My liver numbers are back in the normal range, my tumor markers are dropping noticeably, and the Xeloda side effects aren't as bad as I'd feared.  Win, win, and win!

Normal for this type of tumor marker is below 40--I've been close to that on Faslodex, but never quite got there as a stage IV patient)--but if things can just keep on this way, I'm beginning to think it may be possible.  Wouldn't that be cool?

But whatever the future holds, thank God right now I'm responding well to this drug.