Wednesday, August 12, 2015

In the mail

A few months ago I signed up for Pfizer's mailing list.  Yesterday I got this in the mail--it's a cute little pill case with dry erase specially designed for the Ibrance 21 day on/7 day off pill cycle.  

I've been using a similar pill box designed to hold morning/lunch/dinner/night pills, but this one is a better size and, hey, it has "integrated" dry erase (I do love a good gadget!).  Pretty cool.

Now I just need to get some good scans this week so I can keep on with the Ibrance and give this thing some use....


  1. I got on Pfizer's mailing list, somehow, and they sent me three mailings in a row on whatever the RA med is that they think I should be on. Not what my doctor has me on. They spend a lot of money on these mailings.

  2. I agree, their promotions budget has to be pretty darn high. I wonder how many people request their drug instead of listening to whatever their doctors recommend? Or, for that matter, how many doctors recommend the drug based on the promotions they get? It can get a little crazy, I think.

  3. Of course, on the other hand, this particular piece is pretty useful. And Ibrance is the only drug of it's kind currently on the market. And it's litterally a matter of life and death for me (if it's working).

  4. What a well designed case - I love functional design that also looks great. You'll be in my thoughts this week as you have your scans. Fingers crossed along with prayers ... Martha
